"If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together. There is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart... I'll always be with you."
Some tips for distance relationship :)
1) Percaya pada pasangan
2) Setia walaupun jauh
3) Berjumpalah walaupun seketika
4) Tanyalah khabar
5) Sambut hari ulang tahun bersama
6) Jangan jadikan jarak sebagai pemusnah
DEAR, I hope we can do it together ^_^ coz I'm not strong enough
for it and I'm afraid to loss you <3!
for it and I'm afraid to loss you <3!
p/s: quotes and tips tu una search from google..
3 budakcute:
semoga berbhgia...pstikan ap yg awk ckp an tu awk wt..n bkn lg sme cm dlu..doa sy akn sntiasa mengiringi awk..wlaupown hti sy skt...
sy doakn awk bahgia syg..
Kalo de jodoh xkmana..
Hadapilh ujian yg d berikan ini dgn pnuh kesabaran..
insyaallah. saya akan cuba untuk jadi yang terbaik. terima ksaih ye.
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